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Essential Support for People with IDD


It might be challenging to know how to support a loved one who has intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Knowing where to start might be overwhelming, even if you want to be as helpful as possible.

That’s why as a certified provider of behavioral supports in Texas, we enumerated some helpful tips for you to consider when providing support for your loved ones with IDD:

  • Be a good listener.
    Your loved one may not always be able to communicate their needs or wants in the way you expect. Please ensure you’re available to listen when they want to talk and don’t interrupt or change the subject too quickly.
  • Network of support
    One of the most important things you can do for your loved one with IDD is to help them maintain their independence through supportive family members who live nearby that can visit regularly and friends who understand their unique needs and challenges.
  • Home community-based support
    Consider looking into community-based support for your loved ones. Home community – based services in Houston, Texas, can help them live independently, develop new skills that will help prepare them for employment opportunities, and expand their social interactions with peers and staff.
Assured Quality Care Services LLC is here to help when you need behavioral support for your loved one. Our staff members are trained to understand how to meet their needs, and we work hard to ensure that our services are always tailored to the individual client. Contact us today so we can start working with you to customize a plan that meets your loved one’s unique needs through our TxHmL Program.
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