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Importance of Employment for People with IDD


Individuals with intellectual disabilities (IDD) have the same rights as everyone else, including the right to work. But they may face barriers when trying to find jobs because they may not be able to communicate well or may struggle with social interactions. That’s why employment assistance programs from the home community – based services in Houston, Texas, are vital.

As a certified provider of behavioral supports in Texas, we will discuss below how employment can help people with IDD lead happier lives and make valuable contributions to society through meaningful work:

  • Independence
    When people with IDD can work, they can contribute financially to their care and support themselves. Also, they may have fewer health issues when employed because they have more control over their lives. This can help them avoid depression and other mental problems that often plague those with limited independence.
  • Sense of self-worth
    Being a valued member of one’s workplace adds confidence and develops a sense of self-worth for people with IDD, especially when bosses, colleagues, and customers appreciate what they can do.
  • Expanded social interactions
    Employment offers opportunities for people with IDD to interact with their peers while they work at various jobs around town or in local businesses or organizations. This allows them to develop friendships outside of their families and support networks.

We know your loved ones with IDD need more than just a job. They need to feel valued and supported. Assured Quality Care Services LLC is ready to help you make that happen.

We offer employment assistance for your loved ones under our TxHmL Program. We will reach out to potential employers on their behalf and negotiate their employment opportunities. Contact us at 281-272-1464 for a consultation.

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