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Improved Communication and Social Skills


Intellectual disability is defined by significant barriers in both intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior, which encompasses many everyday social and practical skills. Because of these limitations, a child will learn and develop more slowly than a typical child. This disability manifests itself before the age of 18. Assured Quality Care Services LLC, a reliable Home Community – Based Services in Houston, Texas, we have the right services and support for your loved ones.

Communication strategies can be used to help a person with an intellectual disability communicate. When communicating with someone who has an intellectual disability, it is critical to remember that each person is unique and should be treated as such. Our therapists and professionals providing Behavioral Supports in Texas speak clearly and in simple terms. Check for comprehension by having them repeat instructions several times. Divide each task into steps and draw each one. Don’t expect them to transfer knowledge from one task to another.

If a support person is present, address the person with a disability rather than the support person. Encouragement should be given frequently, and monitoring should be done regularly. Avail of the services in our TxHmL Program. To know more, call us.

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