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Oral and Dental Care for People Under TxHmL


Dental neglect is a willful failure to get dental treatment to ensure proper oral health. But many people are underprivileged to get proper oral and dental care.

And that is why Assured Quality Care Services LLC offers services for qualified individuals aged 21 and above. We enroll individuals who are not eligible for Texas Health Steps or private insurance in our TxHmL Program.

Why do people need to attend to their dental health?

  • To consume healthy meals for nourishment.
    With healthy teeth, they can eat well and enjoy their meals, which will provide them strength and energy to do tasks and activities for the day.
  • To prevent dental caries and tooth loss.
    Tooth decay can bring excruciating pain. And when all teeth are gone, there is a chance to lose confidence when socializing.
  • To avoid diseases related to oral health.
    Oral problems can lead to diseases such as diabetes and heart ailments.

As providers of Home Community – Based Services in Houston, Texas, we aim to provide preventative, therapeutic, orthodontic, and emergency dental treatment.

We also provide many other services, including Behavioral Supports in Texas. Send us an email at or call us at 281-272-1464 or 936-414-0988 for your inquiries.

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